Your career development is a lifelong process. Several factors influence your career development, including your interests, abilities, values, personality, background, and circumstances. We will help you know and understand the nature of living and working in Germany to make career and life decisions.
• Help you to figure out what you want out of your career.
• Help you to identify the factors influencing your career development in Germany.
• Help you to determine the next steps to find your desired job in Germany.
• Tell you what to do or what career you should pursue.
• Advise you on how to allocate your financial resources and which lifestyle you should have.
As the European technology hub and the fourth-largest economy globally, with one of the fewest unemployment rates amongst European countries, Germany has always been noteworthy for job seekers. The unique scientific and industrial environment, and the supportive labor laws, besides the advantages of the working and living offered to the specialists and graduates, have made Germany attractive to EU and non-EU professionals.
Having direct access to reputable german companies and healthcare centers besides updated information about laws and regulations related to the labor market has helped ARIKA formulating a coherent plan for making a perfect match between qualified specialists with credible institutions.
If you are an IT specialist, engineer, or nurse, we help you find a job tailored to your capabilities and needs. To keep this promise, we provide you with career counseling and job placement services besides advice on living and working in Germany.